Tagline: “Christians do not sue Christians. Ever.”
“You may not agree with the actions of General Synod, but they were not un-Presbyterian. Christians taking Christians to court ... well, that drum has been beat enough. Scripture is clear. … Scripture is not considered to apply when it is personally inconvenient to do so. I believe you have already answered your own question. Secular courts should not be relied on to handle church matters.”
Rev. Tim Phillips, Supporters of Synod FB group, emphasis added
Oh the frailty of man! Were that I was but a wee bit stronger and could fight the good fight until Good prevailed. We were assailed at every turn, muscled by moneyed interests and worldly passions, and hounded by internet blogs and nameless foes calling us all sorts of names.
Erskine has drifted doctrinally; Bartians and Neo-Bartians run rampant, as do evolutionists and non-inerrantists. Next year we’ll see a Neo-Neo-Bartian for sure!
We tried to reclaim the school from doctrinal drift – so sue us! (oww, actually, that’s a sore subject). It was the right thing to do. The Board wouldn’t go along with our recommendations immediately, so we fired the difficult members. So sue us! (oops, I’ve got to stop saying that). It was the right thing to do.
God calls us to never surrender His principles or allow the cancer of error to spread, even when it means firing people without just cause and breaking civil laws. What are these petty concerns when the teaching of Creationism is at stake?
We tried to bring people together for the peace and purity of the church. We tried to set up a school where Christians are not challenged by other Christians over the tenants of their faith. Now look what has happened. Christians have sued Christians in civil court. We are the Righteous Persecuted. How did it come to this?
God says there will be difficulties for those who fight for him; He apparently wasn’t kidding. Clearly it is His will that Erskine fall off the cliff of liberalism and that two or three demagogies intimidate Bible majors at will. These men will have to answer to God for their duplicity in twisting our children’s minds! We will win in the end!
How sad it is, that a formerly faithful school to God’s word went so far off the deep end. The courts have taken away from Synod what is rightfully ours; Heaven help the school now! We surely won’t.
Though there is nothing now that we can do. The courts have ruled. We lost. We must surrender the cause here and take over Erskine through Synod. Why? Because we have said quite explicitly:
… no matter what. That’s what we said, right?
Are there Christians at Erskine?
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