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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dr. Evans in Bed with Chuck Wilson

No, not literally, but I wanted to make the point that the only place to find Dr. Evan’s rebuttal to Dr. Burnett’s email is on ARP Talk. Clearly Dr. Evans feels no need to censure, rebuke, or ignore this paragon of wisdom.

That Chuck Wilson has a large, and influential, audience and dedicated following is further confirmed. As I have mentioned previously on this Blog, Chuck’s views apparently holds sway over a large portion of the powerful interests in Synod. I do not mean to sound conspiratorial here. I simply mean that the views espoused on ARP Talk are not “fringe” or “kook” but instead apparently held by some of the most powerful people in the ARP Church today. That these views are driving Synod leadership is blatant.

… of course we should all listen to this modern-day Siren.


My personal favorites in Chuck’s newest issue:

Introduction, written by the editor: “Dr. Burnett is a humble friend of the ARP Church who attempts to help the poor, benighted ministers and lay people of the ARP Church understand the theological failure of the doctrine of inerrancy. He is concerned that we are hopeless anti-intellectuals who have lost our way in the land of theological conservatism.” (emphasis added).

We call this sarcasm. Not a big deal, because Dr. Burnett’s piece is pure satire.

Now, Rebuttal to Dr. Burnett’s piece, written by Dr. Evans: “He has written a satirical piece…  Once one sifts through the sarcasm… The subtitle of Burnett’s sarcastic essay.” Three different comments on the sarcastic/satirical nature of Burnett’s work in three different paragraphs. Indeed, one might be forgiven for assuming Evans is criticizing Burnett (“Once one shifts through the sarcasm…”). Indeed, Evans is doing just that.

Surprise conclusion: Chuck makes fun of Burnett by using sarcasm, and Evans condemns Burnett for using sarcasm. Since Burnett is Public Enemy #1, this apparent hypocrisy is warranted.

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