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Friday, May 28, 2010

UpChuck (preliminary)

Update: Creepy! Just 15 minutes after I wrote this Tara Mauney wrote a similar piece on the Alumni Facebook group. Anyway, you should read hers too.

Full UpChuck later, but for now, a prediction:

Chuck wrote in Extra 12, “Finally, let us make sure that we have righteous nominees for the Board.”
I predict the slate of nominees proposed by Moderator deWitt will be approved by the Nominating Committee. I might be wrong, but that’s why it’s called a “prediction.” And if that happens – if five people appointed to the interim Board, including some Commissioners, are nominated to join the Board of Trustees (and if they are subsequently elected), Synod will have finally and truly finished everything.

I can think of no better way for Synod to destroy any hope of reconciliation than by nominating these five individuals. I can think of no better way to start reconciliation than by rejecting them. deWitt has made his move – Nominating Committee, you are about to make yours.


  1. Actually, one of the five nominees is a woman.

    And Synod voted back in March to heavily consider the Moderator slate of names over other slates. Voting on these 5 individuals would be consistent with the directive of the Synod.

  2. You make a point: there was a female nominated as part of deWitt's slate. I didn't focus on gender but many thanks and duly corrected.

    And yes, I know Synod is heavily considering this slate. That's my point: what a glorious way to end reconciliation!

  3. dear temperance,

    you talk about reconcilliation... but the synod owns you. you would be wise to talk about submission before we fire your ass!

  4. @9:41PM Anonymous person,

    You don't sound like a man of the Synod. If you are a member of the Synod you should be ashamed. If you are not a member of the Synod, you should be ashamed for pretending to be.
    None of this is about "firing people's asses" and you know it is not. It is about Mission fidelity, effectiveness, and hitting our unique niche in the educational market.

    These are real people with real families in Due West. Treat them respectfully. It may be true that "reconciliation" is being used improperly as if the two opposing sides need to find middle ground and compromise. To me, that is clearly not the solution to this matter. So, you might criticize that nonsense all you want with reason, but do not be flippant about "firing asses" when you are dealing with real people and where hard change is inevitably coming. We are a ministry of the Lord Jesus for crying out loud. Show some respect and compassion for hurting people in the midst of hard times. We've all been there, or one day will be in this economy.

  5. Hmmm, I have a suspicion that some of these rants in the comments are made to look like supporters of the Synod, but they really arent. Just a thought.

    People keep saying that the financial issues at Erskine are the fault of the Synod. But I wonder how the situation would look at the school had not tried to sue the sponsoring denomination.

  6. #5: You accuse the other side of lying because you cannot believe a supporter of Synod would say such things? Perhaps you are right, but to the very best of my knowledge, the only misrepresentation on this site was by a supporter of Synod pretending to be somebody else. Rest assured, if I ever discover the incredible comments above are misrepresentations too, I'll let everyone know.
