Inerrancy of Scripture
How many professors at Erskine disbelieve an inerrant reading of the Bible? Has this been determined, or do we just know it is “a lot?” Yes, we know of Drs. Crenshaw and Burnett. Our side (Commission) has made very sure that we know very well what their beliefs are on the matter. But what about everybody else? We have no idea; the Commission did not compile a list, make any claims, or imply whatsoever on how extensive the “problem” is. In this bizarre case of anti-McCarthyism, how many card-carrying anti-Inerrancists are there at Erskine, Commission? Or is the presence of one or two or three enough to damn the Board?
Integration of Faith and Learning
No SAFE student has taken a class from every professor. No SAFE student can know everything each professor has said. Even the SAFE group as a whole has probably not listened to every professor in class. The Commission, which interviewed SAFE students plus a handful of other students for a total of one hour during January, can know still less about Erskine’s professors.
Better yet, how do we quantify “integration of faith and learning?” Ask a Commissioner says you cannot – it must be a holistic approach. How can a 15 or 30 minute interview flesh this out? Even if you could, not every professor was interviewed. How then do SAFE and the Commission know that integration of faith and learning is not occurring? Which classes do integrate faith and learning? Which do not? Why was no list made – or are we to assume that all classes are bereft of faith? How many non-integrators are there at Erskine? We have no idea - the Commission never told us.
Culture of Intimidation
How widespread is the “culture of intimidation?” One incident three years ago by an administrator that no longer works for the school? Students feeling uncomfortable when their acceptance of ARP doctrine is challenged by one professor? Two professors? Dr. Crenshaw “intimidated” me every day of class, if by intimidation you mean challenging my opinions (his right), and asking me if I could be sure of what I was saying (his professorial duty). I was never forced to speak my mind. He never pressed me unduly. But if I gave my opinion, or challenged what he said, didn’t he have a right to challenge me? Is this intimidation? Or is it rather a SAFE-student fear of being intimidated? Maybe some people easily feel intimidated?
The Committee gave no examples of intimidation. Why? How many card-carrying Intimidators are there at Erskine? The Commission never told us.
Of course we know that Erskine is a terrible place undergoing “doctrinal drift.” But why did the Commission not prove this to a questioning public? They had the chance – and blew it. Instead we got vague statements like “irreconcilable opinions” amongst the Board members and talk of fiscal irresponsibility that occurred before any of the present Board members were appointed. Bizarre.
Come on Commission – let’s see some McCarthyism. Burn these witches!